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My passion is to one day write a book , whether I do only time will tell!

Review of City of Glass

City of Glass  - Cassandra Clare

Where do I start with this book. Wow! From start to finish it was one long thrill ride. Unlike City of Ashes, CoG was action through and through. You weren't left waiting for the next demon attack or sudden revelation as they were non-stop. Another thing which I liked about this book was the resolution of Malec , finally he did it and the plot will stop diverting to Alec complaining about Magnus and life. Of course Cassandra Clare originally intended for this series to be a trilogy as opposed to a hexology (lol big word, if its a word ) so I did go into this book expecting things to be answered and they were. I do feel that it could of just ended with this book as the action was enough. 
However something with this book that annoyed me was the obviousness at times of what was going to come but yeah. I love Cassandra Clares work and hope to read CoFA soon.